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A/B Testing


This feature is currently in beta, and only available starting v2.10.0. Please make sure you validate the functionality before pushing to production.

In order to optimize the performance of your Consent Banner, we have enabled A/B Testing capabilities, to make your life easier.

Enabling A/B Testing

Go to the Implementation section in your Configuration Dashboard and select the A/B Testing tab. Here you will find a toggle to enable the feature.

Admin Interface

Once enabled, you will see the the A/B Testing configuration options.

Using Usercentrics

Activate with Usercentrics

To use the Usercentrics tools for A/B Testing, please select the checkbox at the bottom of the A/B Testing configuration options: "Activate with Usercentrics".

Defining Variants

Using the JSON input field, define the variants names with an empty values.

    "variantA": {},
    "variantB": {}

Now, in your project, fetch the variant names programmatically, and return a Banner Configuration for each one using the BannerSettings object:

string variant = Usercentrics.Instance.getABTestingVariant();

var bannerSettings = new BannerSettings(variantName: variant);

switch(variant) {
    case "variantA":
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse
    case "variantB":
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse

Always fallback to a Default

Always have a fallback default configuration. This will allow you to turn off, or change the variants you are testing dynamically.

Even distribution

The distribution between variants will be even. e.g. 50:50 for two variants, 33:33:33 for three variants.

Tracking Results

Once you have generated variant interactions, all results will be available in the Analytics section of your Usercentrics Dashboard.

Interaction Analytics

Overview your Interaction and Acceptance rates by filtering for specific Variants.

Analytics filer

Comparison Analytics

Get a direct comparison of interactions and acceptance rates for each variant.

Analytics comparison

Download Raw Data

For in-depth insights and custom analysis, we recommend downloading a raw-data report available at the bottom of the Interaction Analytics section. In this report, an additional "variant" column will tell you which variant was used for each entry in the data.

Analytics report

Keep A/B Testing feature ON

To see variant analytics data, the A/B Testing feature needs to be ON. If you wish to stop running specific variants. Just delete the variants in the JSON input field.

Using a Third Party Tool

Activate with third-party tool

To use a third-party tool for A/B Testing, please select the checkbox at the bottom of the A/B Testing configuration options: "Activate with third-party tool".

Defining Variants

When using a third-party tool, you may pass variant names directly via the Customization API as such:

string variant = AnyABTestTool.aBTestingVariant;

var bannerSettings = new BannerSettings(variantName: variant);

switch(variant) {
    case "variantA":
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse
    case "variantB":
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse
        Usercentrics.Instance.ShowFirstLayer(bannerSettings, (userResponse) => {
            // Handle userResponse
Supporting your self-built UI

If you have your own UI and you want Usercentrics to know which A/B Testing variant from your Third-Party Tool you are using, so that the events you track in the Usercentrics analytics API (track()) have the variant data. Then you have to inject the variant programmatically with this API:

Usercentrics.Instance.setABTestingVariant(variant: <VariantName>)

Tracking Results

Implement the tracking mechanism of your third-party tool, when processing the UsercentricsConsentUserResponse, available in the callback of the banner presentation.