A TCF purpose that needs to be disclosed to the end-user and requires the end-user's consent and legitimate interest consent.



consent: null | boolean

A boolean or null value which indicates whether the user gave (true) or refused (false) consent or did not take action yet (null) for this TCF purpose.

description: string

A user-friendly short description that needs to be disclosed to the end-user.

descriptionLegal?: string

An official legal description that needs to be disclosed to the end-user (<TCF22).

id: number

The unique id as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

illustrations?: string[]

An official example description that needs to be disclosed to the end-user (>=TCF22).

isPartOfASelectedStack: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the TCF purpose is part of a selected TCF stack. Stacks can be chosen in the admin interface.

legitimateInterestConsent: null | boolean

A boolean or null value which indicates whether the user gave (true) or refused (false) legitimate interest or did not take action yet (null) for this TCF purpose.

name: string

The name as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

numberOfVendors: number

Number of vendors that use this purpose

showConsentToggle: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the purpose toggle needs to be displayed in the TCF second layer.

showLegitimateInterestToggle: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the legitimate interest toggle needs to be displayed in the TCF second layer.

stackId: null | number

The id of the selected TCF stack that this purpose is a part of. Is always null if isPartOfASelectedStack is false and always a number otherwise