A TCF vendor (aka. advertiser, tracking service, third party) that is registered with the IAB global vendor list. A TCF vendor needs to be disclosed to the end-user and requires the end-user's consent and legitimate interest consent.


  • TCFVendor


consent: null | boolean

A boolean or null value which indicates whether the user gave (true) or refused (false) consent or did not decide yet (null) for this TCF vendor.

cookieMaxAgeSeconds: null | number

A number that determines the max age for the cookie in seconds

cookieRefresh: null | boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether any cookies in scope for cookieMaxAgeSeconds are refreshed after being initially set.

dataCategories?: TCFVendorCategory[]

An array of categories (>=TCF22).

dataRetention?: TCFVendorRetention[]

An array of retentions (>=TCF22).

deviceStorage: null | DeviceStorage

A value which states the URL of storage disclosure

deviceStorageDisclosureUrl: null | string

A value which states the URL of storage disclosure

features: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF features that this TCF vendor uses as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

flexiblePurposes: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF flexible purposes for this vendor

id: number

This TCF vendor's unique id as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

legitimateInterestClaimUrl?: string

This TCF vendor's link to it's legitimate interest claim website as defined in the IAB global vendor list (>=TCF22).

legitimateInterestConsent: null | boolean

A boolean or null value which indicates whether the user gave (true) or refused (false) legitimate interest or did not decide yet (null) for this TCF vendor.

legitimateInterestPurposes: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF purposes that this TCF vendor uses by legitimate interest as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

name: string

This TCF vendor's name as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

policyUrl?: string

This TCF vendor's link to it's privacy policy website as defined in the IAB global vendor list (<TCF22).

privacyUrl?: string

This TCF vendor's link to it's privacy policy website as defined in the IAB global vendor list (>=TCF22).

purposes: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF purposes that this TCF vendor uses as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

showConsentToggle: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether consent toggle needs to be displayed in the TCF second layer for the vendor. Is true if purposes are processed by consent.

showLegitimateInterestConsentToggle: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the legitimate interest toggle needs to be displayed in the TCF second layer for the vendor. Is true if purposes are processed by legitimate interest.

showVendorOutsideEU: boolean
specialFeatures: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF special purposes that this TCF vendor uses as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

specialPurposes: IdAndName[]

A list of both name and id of all TCF special purposes that this TCF vendor uses as defined in the IAB global vendor list.

usesCookies: boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the vendor uses cookie storage (session or otherwise).

usesNonCookieAccess: null | boolean

A boolean value which indicates whether the vendor uses non cookie access