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Presenting the TV Banner

You can decide to present the First Layer or Second Layer as you deem necessary for your user experience. However, we recommend to:

  • Use the First Layer when collecting consent for the first time. Remember that user's will be able to navigate from the First Layer to the Second Layer.
  • Use the Second Layer for when customers want to review their choices. e.g. In your app's settings.

Presenting the First Layer

import UsercentricsUI

let banner = UsercentricsBanner()
banner.showFirstLayer(hostView: self // Host UIViewController) { userResponse in
// Handle userResponse

val banner = UsercentricsBanner(
    context = <Context>,
    settings = <BannerSettings?>
banner.showFirstLayer { userResponse ->
// Handle userResponse

Use a valid Context

We are using the Dialog Android API for the Banner implementation. It is recommended to use a Context that is an Activity or derived/wrapper from it. Note that the Activity has to be alive for the dialog to be displayed.

Presenting the Second Layer

import UsercentricsUI

let banner = UsercentricsBanner()
banner.showSecondLayer(hostView: self // Host UIViewController) { userResponse in
// Handle userResponse

val banner = UsercentricsBanner(
    context = <Context>,
    settings = <BannerSettings?>
banner.showSecondLayer { userResponse ->
    // Handle userResponse

Use a valid Context

We are using the Dialog Android API for the Banner implementation. It is recommended to use a Context that is an Activity or derived/wrapper from it. Note that the Activity has to be alive for the dialog to be displayed.

Handling User Response

After a user provides their consent choices, you will receive a UsercentricsConsentUserResponse object in the banner presentation callback. This object will provide you with all the information you need in order to apply consent, make decisions based on the user's interaction or store the user's ControllerID if you wish to support Cross-Device Consent Sharing.